The digital world

In today’s business environment, knowledge of various technical terms and technologies is a prerequisite. We give children the opportunity to train their logical thinking from an early age in order to give them a head start. Once you understand the basics of programming and know how a computer „ticks“, a lot of things will be easier in life.


What is the internet, development, applications, dangers, social media, privacy, viruses, email, malware, correct use


What is the internet, development, applications, dangers, social media, privacy, viruses, email, malware, correct use


What is the internet, development, applications, dangers, social media, privacy, viruses, email, malware, correct use

Digital world

What is the internet, development, applications, dangers, social media, privacy, viruses, email, malware, correct use

Mobile, digital courses for children at home or at our premises in Vienna 3

In today’s business environment, knowledge of various technical terms and technologies is a prerequisite.


We give children the opportunity to train their logical thinking from an early age in order to give them a head start. Once you understand the basics of programming and know how a computer „ticks“, a lot of things will be easier in life.

Logo of Digital4kids


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