Current IT courses

In 1030 Vienna, not far from the Gasometer, there is an IT afternoon every Monday and Wednesday with various courses and workshops for children aged 8 and over. You can learn to program robots and drones, but also programming languages such as java.script, Python, Scratch, develop an APP or take your first steps in web and game development!

HYBRID course overview in 1030 Vienna UND Online – game based learning

All courses always take place ONLINE, and – if not prohibited by government restrictions – also as face-to-face events in the 3rd district near the Gasometer.

All course participants therefore always have the opportunity to attend the live course online. Ideal in case of illness, quarantine or really bad weather 🙂

Read more about #GBL games based learning and HYBRID courses here


Learn Python


Playful programming with Python, for children aged 10 and over

Semester course, 11 units

Python is a programming language that can be used for various things. We use it to program a robot and acquire the knowledge in a playful way under the guidance of an experienced trainer.



Playful programming with Coffee.script from the age of 11

Semester course, 12 units

Coffee.script (simplified Java.script) has become an integral part of websites on the Internet. We learn how to use this important programming language in a playful way. Suitable for beginners and advanced.



Minecraft – afternoon for children aged 9 and over

open afternoon workshop

We work with the popular game, find new secrets, learn how to install and configure our own server and, of course, how to play with friends. Network basics and first steps with Linux are not neglected either.


Robots, programming basics for children from 5

Semester course, 11 units

Playful beginners’ course for the little ones. We assemble a simple robot and control it with a tablet. Introduction to the block-oriented programming language Scratch on a laptop.


Creating websites on the Internet for children aged 12-15, beginners

Semester course, 12 units

Beginners’ course with the basics of the Internet, what is a website and how can you create one yourself? To do this, we use the HTML page description language and format it with CSS on the laptop.


APP programming I for children aged 13 and over

Semester course, 12 units

Using a programming language developed by M.I.T., we will learn how to create an app for the Android operating system ourselves and then use it on our own cell phones. Various levels of difficulty available.

Flexible and individual courses at your home

We offer the possibility to hold digital courses at your home. As far as the day of the week and the time are concerned, we will adapt to your requirements! Small groups of up to 4 children are possible!

Tried and tested course material

We work with tried and tested materials to ensure learning success!

Play, experiment

You can buy robots, drones or other equipment from us or our trainers can bring them along for the teaching units!

Time flexibility

We come to your home on the day of the week and at the time that suits you best!


Preschool – 2nd elementary school

Based on Scratch JR and the robots from RoboWunderkind, the little ones learn the first basics of programming (without letters) and solve their first logical puzzles

Further topics (examples)
  • General principles
    • Parts of the computer, first rules, what is a program / APP
    • How to use the mouse / touchpad, the keyboard
  • internet in general, how to use it
  • Understanding playing times
  • Create first (simple) documents
  • save & load
  • Enlarge / reduce images
  • Print
  • Create small stories with templates
  • Formatting
  • Create slideshow “about me
  • Assembling robots, remote control


3. and 4th elementary school

We are now programming properly using Scratch. Our robots can already overcome obstacles and are mastering increasingly difficult challenges.

Further topics (examples)
  • Train logical thinking
  • Simply learn a programming language
  • Learn simple conditions
  • draw simple cartoons
  • Learn simple animations
  • Visual storytelling
  • Internet
    • Use search engines
    • Surf safely
    • First research techniques
  • Robots
    • Assemble
    • Understanding advanced modules
    • Remote control & programming
    • Overcoming obstacles
  • Presentations
    • Present small projects
    • Present research results


from 1st NMS / grammar school

From around the age of 10, we dedicate ourselves to more advanced programming games such as Phyton, work with other robots, program drones and take a closer look at MineCraft on servers.

Further topics (examples)
  • sophisticated programming languages
    • Java / Javascript
    • Python
    • object-oriented programming
  • Create websites
    • Domain management
    • Content Management System
    • Understanding HTML & CSS
  • 3D printing experiments
  • Programming drones with Tynker
  • Understanding Minecraft & programming MODS
  • Controlling & programming robots with LEGO Mindstorms
  • Experiments with LEGO Education Products


Contact us for a private summer camp in the fall!

Do your children and their friends want to experiment with the digital world this summer? We organize your private summer camp for your children plus their friends (max. 4 people) and come to your house! You don’t have to take the children anywhere at fixed times, we come to the house when it suits you!

8 + 11 =

Why learning to program is so important

Logical thinking trains the brain

Logical thinking breaks down big problems into small problems – until the computer can solve them easily! This also helps with learning!

Job opportunities

Digital requirements are growing almost daily. In later professional life, it is important to understand automation processes and have an “overview”

English language

Sooner or later you can’t avoid English. Working with the IT world inevitably leads to closer contact with the English language.

Experiment, search for errors

Programming usually never works immediately. An error quickly creeps in somewhere. When the solution works, it’s a great experience.


Why you should talk to us


More than 7 years of experience with children's training

We have been teaching children English with mobile coaches for 5 years now.


Numerous partnerships

Ongoing training and constantly updated course material


No arrival and departure times

We come to your home, eliminating inconvenient travel times for you and your children


Flexible course times

Your children can’t always be at a fixed course location at a certain time? Not necessary with us!


How can I register?

Contact us

Send us your contact details and we will get back to you!

We discuss details

We will get back to you and make sure that we have received all the data, clarify one or two questions about the desired course

Receive offer

We will send you a non-binding offer incl. a draft of the planned course times. We are also happy to offer you a free trial session (45 minutes)


Frequently Asked Questions

Are my children really learning something or are they just playing?

Even if it sometimes looks like they are just playing, the children actually learn to think in logical sequences and to break down the big challenges into small ones. Many small solutions are then implemented by the computer/robot in a large solution.

Why are there no fixed course rooms?

Our offer is aimed at children who would like to work with our trainers on individual days and times in their familiar surroundings – at home.

Are there also ready-made courses off the shelf?

Ready-made start programs are available for complete beginners. However, it is often the case that some prior knowledge is already available. This allows us to respond to your children individually and ensure that they do not have to relearn what they already know.

What are the course costs?

The costs are calculated individually. The number of participating children, level, required equipment, desired duration and place of residence are taken into account. For 4 participants the course costs EUR 19.99 incl. VAT. 20 % VAT per double unit (90 minutes) per child.

Enquire about your course today!

Send us your inquiry today! We will prepare a free and non-binding offer for you and your children. Individual and personal!

Request a courseCallback request
Contact possibility

Contact us

Here you can send us a message or leave your telephone number for a callback. We will get back to you the next working day at the latest!

Contact form

6 + 6 =

Phone: 01/417 04 60

email: [email protected] is a project of the

SalesAtelier GmbH
Erdbergstraße 216a / Stg 2
1030 Vienna